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Knowledgebase : Material Control
Command for changing password conn sys as sysdba password: alter user fbdata identified by fbdata;
SYMPTOMS Below Error comes up once logging on to MC -> Processing Purchase Orders via email- any B2B action Error encountered loading library:GailWrapper.dll CAUSE C++ redistributable Package has not been installed properly, or .Net 3.5 is not enabled. ...
In MC, we get an Error message when we try to export the invoices to BO after changing to VAT 15%. You need to do as below to resolve this matter. You need to change the VAT15% back to VAT5% to book the invoices to the back office. Once you had done the...
ERROR: EXCEPTION HAS BEEN THROWN BY THE TARGET OF AN INVOCATION.            INNER EXCEPTION:             Padding is invalid and cannot be removed. Reason : During the Installation of Multiple MC Clients different Security Containers have been used. i...
Export to excel not working. Need to copy this line to the sql.ini. [odbcrtr] remotedbname=FMEXCEL,DRIVER={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls)};DBQ=fm_excel.xls;DefaultDir=C:Program FilesMaterials ControlLOG;ReadOnly=; or Please Open Configu...
The link below if for Unify Report Builder 6.x link , send by Ariel. [] [http...
RMBackup The DB does not start after the RMAN backup not working and the allocated space is used. Archive Parameter / RMBACKUP / BACKUP / MC / ORACLE / Solution I: Enter user-name: / as sysdba SQL> startup mount SQL> alter system set db_recovery_fi...
Problem: Unable to check user Out of office Solution: The issue is , If a user ‘A’ is already assigned as Stand by with other user ‘B’ , then other users can’t be a stand by of user ‘A’ ,the stand by option will disabled in user ‘A’ configuration. Fir...
command for unlocking account in oracle conn sys as sysdba password : system or oracle alter user system account unlock; *********************** Command for changing password conn sys as sysdba password: alter user fbdata identi...
SES VAT Implementation Guide lines for all the modules.